Starlite Walker


Released in 1994 as an LP and CD on Drag City (DC55) in America and Domino (WIG15) in Europe.


  1. Introduction II
  2. Trains Across the Sea
  3. The Moon is the Number 18
  4. Advice to the Graduate
  5. Tide to the Oceans
  6. Pan-American Blues
  7. New Orleans
  8. The Country Diary of a Subway Conductor
  9. Living Waters
  10. Rebel Jew
  11. The Silver Pageant


“Starlite Walker” was recorded in late June 1994 at Easley Recordings, Memphis, TN. The band: David Berman, Steve Malkmus, Bob Nastanovich, John Steve West. Auxilliary Joos: Doug Easley, Dan Mackta, Davis !McCain, Andra Sherman.


Great pop music that simply keeps rolling down the river. Everything seems so simple at the surface, you get lulled into a false sense of complacency. Oops. See, like many a Drag City act, the music and the lyrics are both poetic. The whole has a meaning unto itself. If you think you get it the first time, then think again. There’s another meaning. Which is right? Listen again and find yet another passageway. That’s what good poetry can do to you. It would be too easy to label Silver Jews’ sound as hypnotic pop, but then, it does relax your mind and invite your subconscious to stop by for tea. Of course, Silver Jews claim no responsibility for what you do while under the influence of their music. After all, lawsuits can be nasty.